Now, in a level of detail never before disclosed, Richard Lawrence and the executive team of Overlook Investments turn the lens inward to analyze The Overlook Model.
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“We outperformed when we were a small fund, and we continue to outperform as a large fund.
The only logical and believable explanation is that the success was generated by the consistent execution of The Overlook Model.”
– Richard H. Lawrence, Jr.

Richard H. Lawrence, Jr.
Richard H. Lawrence, Jr. founded Overlook Investments in Hong Kong in 1991. Since inception, Overlook has grown at 14.3% per year for three decades—a remarkable record of growth that is testament to a consistent ability to find and invest in Asia’s best companies.
This raises two important questions: How did Overlook achieve its success; and how can Overlook best ensure future success?
Now, in a level of detail never before disclosed, Richard and the Overlook executive team turn the lens inward to analyze The Overlook Model. They describe the philosophies, practices and people that drive Overlook’s outperformance. Welcome to The Model.
The Model is composed primarily of stories—of the people, companies, executives and events…